Students and researchers working in the extreme physics lab at Imperial College London, photographed by Thomas Angus
Finalists for 2023 student paper awards:
- Chen Cui — University of Southern California – “Electron Scale Physics in Plasma Expansion: Grid-based Vlasov Simulations”
- Judith van Huijstee — Eindhoven University of Technology – “Residual microparticle charge measured in a spatio-temporal afterglow plasma”
- Rishabh Datta — MIT – “Simulations of Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Pulsed-Power on the Z Machine”
- Jergus Strucka — Imperial College London – “Exploding wire arrays for single-shot hydrodynamic instability experiments”
- Thomas Foster — Princeton University – “Fast Correlation Heating in Moderately-Coupled Electron-Ion Plasmas”
- Ziyao Jie — Tsinghua Univ - “Ultra-fast synthesis of graphene@Si nanoparticles by the surface-wave-sustained plasma for potential lithium-ion battery anode applications”
- P S Naga Sai Srikar — IIT Tirupati – "OES and CR Model based Approach for Rapid Analysis of Zinc-Induced Porosity determination in Fe-Al Weld Joints in GTAW"
- Shadhin Hussain — University of Texas at Dallas - “Current and voltage (I-V) characteristics of intermediate pressure plasma”
We look forwards to seeing all those who have registered for the awards at 11:30am on Monday!
Student Paper Award Competition
ICOPS has a long running tradition of honouring the best student papers presented at the conference. On our 50th anniversary we want to build on this foundation, encouraging more to participate in the conference and further celebrating those who are the future of our research field.
This year we will be holding an open session for the student awards over an extended lunch break, with 15min oral presentations from the finalists open to all to see – and we especially encourage their supervisors and peers to attend for support.
To qualify for consideration the student must identify their interest for inclusion on registration of their abstract. Their supervisor will then be asked to send a supporting statement by the end of Feb 2023 through our online submissions system. If there are any problems please contact the student awards coordinator ( for help. Any student who is the principal author/researcher and presents at the conference is eligible to apply. The work presented should be the majority work of the student and will be judged on grounds of originality, value to the community, and delivery.
A judging panel of scientists, chosen to represent the breadth of the ICOPS community, will first select 5-6 finalists from the entries, and these students will be asked to present to the judges at the open session (which is in addition to the regularly scheduled presentation). 2 winners will each receive a monitary award and certificates, with runners up receiving honourable mentions and their own certificates.